
Roseville CA 95678

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Our Impact

The Teams and Dreams Foundation aims to create opportunities and supportive services for foster children and adopted foster children to reach their dreams by providing access to extracurricular and enrichment activities. Currently there is no added stipend for extracurricular activities for foster parents, which can greatly impact their chances of being involved in extracurricular activities. 

Program Offerings

The Teams and Dreams Foundation offers a variety of programs including: Martial Arts, Swimming, Baseball, Softball, Basketball, Soccer, Football, Arts & Crafts, Dance, Drama &Theater, Tutoring, Gymnastics, Musical Instrument Lessons, Cooking, and More! Transportation services may be available.

Benefits for Youth

Foster children can greatly benefit from access to extracurricular and enrichment activities. Some of the benefits include: improved academic performance and outcomes, increased self-esteem, healthy development through childhood and adolescence, increased resiliency, development of communication and leadership skills, improved mental health, and development of a healthy support network. Extracurricular activities can create many opportunities for children to grow and adapt in their environment (California Assembly Bill 2945, 2022).